Ice fishing Luxury!

Another satisfied Piker!

Another satisfied Piker!

T-REX of the H20!

T-REX of the H20!



Satisfied Fisherperson!

Satisfied Fisherperson!

Not a bad day out!

Not a bad day out!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

One of 700

Congratulations to Jeff and Tina, who did happen to catch one of the 700 smallmouth the ministry tagged from this year's Atikokan Bass Classic tournament. It was a nice 18 and a half inch smallie, and of course, was released to fight again. They landed the fish off an island on Marmion Lake while doing a little prefishing for next year's tournament. I will attach a picture of Tina holding the bass with a small yellow strap on its dorsal fin. 700 fish sounds like a lot to be tagged, but to catch one is actually quite a feat considering there is probably a half a million or so bass in the Floods and Marmion Lake. Good job Tina! ~ and Jeff for being the Net Man!