Ice fishing Luxury!

Another satisfied Piker!

Another satisfied Piker!

T-REX of the H20!

T-REX of the H20!



Satisfied Fisherperson!

Satisfied Fisherperson!

Not a bad day out!

Not a bad day out!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Just putting the word out that we have greatly improved out tackle selection at our office, and carry a good number of different tackle items at great prices, some lower than Gander Mountain!!
We have jigs, spinnner rigs, weights, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, some in line spinners, hooks, and a bunch of different plastics mostly for the avid bass fanatic.
We also have crawlers, leeches, and minnows for sale at the tackle shop.
Tonya improved the clothing wear section so bring a few extra bucks to pick up a nice tshirt or sweat shirt too take home to your sweetie so she will let you come see us again next year! Or better yet bring her with if you don't already!!
I also have some spare tires, wheel bearings, and some electrical stuff for boat trailers on hand, so if you run into an issue just let us know and we may be able to help you out.

June 1 fishing update

This past week we have seen the walleye bite pick up significantly. Every group focusing on walleye is doing pretty good now, and it should keep getting better going into the next couple weeks. No huge walleye caught yet, some in the 25-27 inch range though.
The pike are quite aggressive now, we had a guest catch a very nice 42 incher yesterday, along with numerous other pike. It should be no problem for anyone pursuing mister toothy to catch numerous handfuls of them. Be sure to bring a mouth spreader for them though!
Bass are just starting to establish beds and protect them. A lot of smallies are hanging just a little deeper off the edge of their spawning territories waiting for the temps to rise just a bit. Most days have been warming up, with the exception of the last two, but the nights are dropping into the 40's yet, slowing the bass spawn. Within a week they should be very aggressively making and defending beds.
Lakers have been biting a bit for the few who are going after them. This past week, most of our guests have been pike and walleye fishing, so no good reports on lakers as of now. I am sure they are still in the shallower water yet, as water temps are still in the low to mid 50's and the lakers tend to hang in the shallower areas until the water rises above 60 on the surface.
I plan to go out this coming weekend to do a bit of fishing myself, and will be able to give an update report again sometime next week. Until then, Good Fishing, or better yet Great Fishing!!